STS4042 Reibwerkstoff: Ideal für moderne Windkraftanlagen – wirtschaftlich, leise, langlebig, hohe Reibwerte, Azimutbremsen geeignet. Effizienzsteigernd!, STS4042 Friction material

STS4042 Friction material

What is important in modern wind power technology is economic efficiency through long service lives and high coefficients of friction. Our STS4042 Friction material is the perfect choice for these cutting-edge plants.

It is very quiet during operation and has a long service life, thus making a big contribution to efficiency. The product also works in yaw brakes.

Technical datastaticdynamic
Mean coefficient of friction (dry)*10,40 µ 0,40 µ
Tmax Operation temperature *2
Continuous operation
180 °C250 °C
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