STS5152 Reibwerkstoff für Industrie und KFZ. Hoher Reibwert bei geringem Verschleiß, gut geeignet für Kräne, Aufzüge oder eben Kraftfahrzeuge, STS 5152 friction material

STS 5152 friction material

STS 5152 friction material is also one of our all-rounders. With its metal-containing, semi-flexible material structure it covers a wide spectrum of both industrial and vehicle technology applications.

Its high coefficient of friction, good temperature resistance and very good wear behaviour allow its use in cranes, lifts or vehicles, for example.

Technical datastaticdynamic
Mean coefficient of friction (dry)*10,40 µ 0,42 µ
Tmax Operation temperature *2
Continuous operation
180 °C
250 °C
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